Libraries Day

Today is Libraries Day, I’m not sure if it’s a national or international thing. Either way it’s a perfect opportunity for me to have a little rave about how much I love public libraries. They are a simple, yet genius concept and wonderful places that should be used and enjoyed by everyone. 

My library love is firmly rooted in my childhood. Growing up in a small, rural village visiting the library in town was a very special event. We went about every 3 weeks, usually when the books were due back. I can remember walking in the door, through the small gate, past the returns desk and standing amidst seemingly endless bookcases that were at least twice as tall as I was. I drew an unparalleled sense of amazement and wonder from knowing there were more books than I could possibly imagine. Not only that but I could borrow any of them, for free! 

Indeed libraries have been a reliable constant in my life and as I’ve grown up I’ve realised they’re more than just a treasure trove of free books. The 2hours of PC access became invaluable when as a teenager there wasn’t broadband at home. Then there was the time an assignment at university called for some very specific local history that was only available on microfilm at the local library. When I’ve moved to new areas the library was there with not only books but also hobby groups and events that allowed me to develop new skills & meet new people. 

For me then, it was important that when I had children they too developed an appreciation for the library. Both of mine have been going to the library since they were a week old and have their own library cards. Today we returned a DVD borrowed for only a pound and collected some board books reserved via the library app. My eldest found some books to help with his school reading challenge and I took out more books than I could actually carry. 

I honestly believe libraries are a national treasure with something to offer everyone. Off the top of my head I know ours has, besides the normal sort of books you’d expect, e-books, online magazines, audio books, large print, access to certain archives and online content. It runs baby groups, kids activity clubs, bookstart iniatives, summer reading challenges, an art group, a knitting & crochet group, sessions for learning how to use tablets, smartphones and other gadgets. It hosts local councillor/mp surgeries, loans DVDs, has newspapers, local history, details for local charities, organisations and businesses. I highly suspect there’s even more on offer than all  that but that’s as much as I can remember. 

See, something for everyone and infinitely more than just books.

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